Huge Elephant
Measuring my monkeys
Measuring my monkeys
This girl picked the snake herself....I don't think we are related!!!
Ashton on his lion cub!
The bird show was amazing! I took this pic a little early, it seriously went right over our heads!
You give the bird a dollar and he puts it in the box!
Jeffrey the Giraffe
The funniest thing happend Saturday night when they were going to bed. Joye had let Gentri sleep with her Tinkerbelle flashlight and I had been laying in bed for a minute when I saw a light out in the hall. I opened the door to find Gentri and Ashton sneaking down the hall toward the livingroom, they saw me and froze! They looked SO guilty it was hilarious. Apparently Gentri had left her stuffed animal out there and they were on a retrieval mission. They just looked so cute and so old! Like a precursor to all the trouble they will get into with each other over the years. Love them!!
That elephant is soo cool! Looks like it was a really fun day :)